breun Ask yourself: "What am I doing here?"

Free as in Freedom

“(…) Once inside the auditorium, a visitor finds the person who has forced this temporary shutdown of building security procedures. The person is Richard M. Stallman, founder of the GNU Project, original president of the Free Software Foundation, winner of the 1990 MacArthur Fellowship, winner of the Association of Computing Machinery’s Grace Murray Hopper Award (also in 1990), corecipient of the Takeda Foundation’s 2001 Takeda Award, and former AI Lab hacker. As announced over a host of hacker-related web sites, including the GNU Project’s own site, Stallman is in Manhattan, his former hometown, to deliver a much anticipated speech in rebuttal to the Microsoft Corporation’s recent campaign against the GNU General Public License.”

Het complete boek over Stallman is verkrijgbaar in gedrukte vorm, maar (uiteraard) ook gratis beschikbaar online onder de GFDL, de GNU Free Documentation License. Interessant leesvoer voor hackers (in de traditionele zin van de term).